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Sono oltre 500 le persone di etnia hazara uccise in Pakistan in questi ultimi mesi. I talebani pakistani membri del gruppo terroristico “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi” hanno rivendicato ogni singola uccisione...

Sono oltre 500 le persone di etnia hazara uccise in Pakistan in questi ultimi mesi. I talebani pakistani membri del gruppo terroristico “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi” hanno rivendicato ogni singola uccisione affermando che il massacro non terminerà fino a quando l’ultimo “infedele” non sarà sterminato. Gli hazara sono infatti di religione shiita e per questo ritenuti infedeli dai fondamentalisti. Martedì scorso i talebani hanno fermato un autobus e dopo aver fatto scendere i 26 passeggeri li hanno uccisi sul posto in una macabra esecuzione sommaria. Dopo questo ennesimo massacro la popolazione di etnia hazara in tutto il mondo ha deciso di indire per il 1˚ ottobre una manifestazione per protestare contro questo genocidio e contro l’indifferenza della comunità internazionale. Le città principali in cui avranno luogo le proteste sono: Oslo – Norvegia, Melbourne – Australia, Sydney – Australia, Londra – Inghilterra, Stati Uniti, Karachi – Pakistan, Islamabad – Pakistan Toronto – Canada.

Country and City: Swedan, Stockholm
There will be protest against target killing of hazara in quetta pakistan, stockholm Sweden every one is requested to please be there with their FAMILY and record your protest.
Time and Venues of protest; medborgeplatsen stockholm saturday 1st october kl 4:30pm to 6:00 pm.
Pakistan embassy stadion station 3rd october kl 9:30am to 11:30 am
Contact : Khadim Shafai 0046722961331 Mirza hussain 0046735806764 Yasir zaidi 0046700368654
Country and City: Norway, Oslo
Area of Protest: Utenriks deapartmentet (National theateret) victoria Terrase 5, Oslo
Organizer: Hazara hai Norway
Time: 02:30PM-06:00PM
Contact Person: Maisam Haideri
Phone: 004745805653
Country and City: Australia, Melbourne
Area of Protest: State library 328 Swanston St, Melbourne
Organizer: SHAMAMA
Time: 11AM-2PM
Contact Person: John Gulzari
Email: johngulzari@gmail.com
Phone: + 61-404 833175
Country and City: Australia, SYDNEY
Town Hall at approximately 11:00am, on 1st october.
Disperse at approximately 12:30, and at approximately 12:45 the procession will commence and proceed: towards Hyde Park
(through Goulburn St and Elizabeth Street
State library lawn
328 Swanstone Street, Melbourne
Nearst Station (Melbourne Central)
Date & Time: Saturday 1st Oct 2011,
10:30am to 1:30pm
Location: Victoria Sqr to Parliament House
B. Rezaee 0425411182 Hussain
Rezaiat 0438858375
Date & Time: Saturday 1st Oct 2011,
10:00am to 1:00pm
Location: Forest place, GPO Perth
Contact: Sajad Hassani 0438287052
Contact: Hassan Ghulam 0437122002
Country and City: UK, London
Area of Protest: Confirmed (London – Embassy of Pakistan)
Organizer: Hazara International Forum of Great Britain (Organized on its Own)
Time: 12:00 Noon to 15:00 Hours
Contact Person: Mama Marzuq
Email: hazarainternationalforum@gmail
Phone: 0208 521 7462 (Mama Marzooq)
Country and City:
USA – HOPE USA – Ongoing meetings to finalize protest in the Newyork, USA.
Contact Person: Mr. Liaquat Sharifi
Email: mysigncity@yahoo.com
PHon: 001-917-3790-161
Area of Protest: Pakistani Embassy or UNO office Newyork
Country and City: Pakistan, Karachi
Area of Protest: Press Club
Organizer: Hazara Mughal Yagjehti Forum
Contact Person: Sardar Mehdi Hassan Musa
Email: smhmusa@gmail.com
Country and City: Pakistan, Islamabad
Area of Protest: Parliament House
Organizer: Jawanan e Hazara
Contact Person: Sajjad Hussain
Email: face_sajjad@yahoo.com
Phone: 0345-8521901
Country and City: Toronto, Canada
Area of Protest: Dundas Square (Yonge and Dundas Intersection) Toronto
Organizer: Hazara Association of Canada.
Date: 1st October, 2011.
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00 pm

Country and City: Rom Italy
Area of Protest: Piazza Santi Apostoli(UNICRI-United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute)
Date: 1st October, 2011.
Time: 14:00 pm

Country and City: Wien, Austria
Area of Protest: Adresse1: Vom Stephansplatz bis zur Staatsoper , 1010 Wien von 14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr Adresse2: Muhammad-Asad-Platz vor dem UN-Quartier 1220 Wien von 16:30 bis 17:30 Uhr
Date: 1st October, 2011.
Time: 14:00 pm – 17:30 pm
Organizer: Jawad Hussaini, Number: 004369912319444
Country & City : Turkey,Ankara-Ghazi Usman Pasha-Iran Street- front of Embassy of Pakistan
Date & Time : Saturday(First October) From 11:00 -12:00.
Country & City : Turkey,Istanbul, TAKSIM SQUARE.
Date & Time : Saturday(First October) From 12:00-01:00
Coordinator : Head of student association in turkey: Hassan Reza Mirzaei.
Voice president : Reza wafaq.
GERMANY: München, direkt am Odeonsplatz
Am 01. 10. 2011 von 14:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Diese Demonstration wurde von KVR- München Genehmigt.

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