Stop the war on refugees Troops out of Afghanistan Speakout 5.30pm Friday December 10 Sydney town hall Organised by Stop the War Coalition and Refugee Action Coalition Ten years of war have not brought democracy...
Hussain recalls his earlier life: “in Afghanistan, I was a shepherd and a farmer. We had a small house, very simple. We slept on the floor. Mostly we were happy with our life. All we...
By Kerry Vernon Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s government plans to establish a regional processing centre to stem the very small numbers of asylum seekers and refugees who attempt to arrive unauthorised by boat to Australia....
Liaquat Ali Hazara, Nov 21, 2010 The historical and ethical event of Eid brings unbound happiness and bliss for kids and adult alike as they get together to rejoice and celebrate this festivity to the...
By IWR, NOVEMBER 21, 2009 Young Afghan girl at a detention centre: Photo by Noborder Lesvos. ________________________________________________________________________ Simone Troller of Human Rights Watch describes the plight of migrant and refugee children in Greece and how...
ADELAIDE, Australia The Christmas Island Dentention Centre. Ten asylum seekers at an Australian detention center have sewn their lips together to protest the lengthy refugee application process. Immigration Minister Chris Bowen called the incident “distressing”...
AAP November 15, 2010 AN investigation will be held into a brawl involving about 50 unaccompanied Afghan asylum-seeker boys at a Melbourne immigration detention centre. Department of Immigration spokesman Sandi Logan said the boys were...
Nov 13 2010 by Jasbir Authi, Birmingham Mail Fida Hussain HazaraPROUD Khan Hussain shows off his late father’s gallantry medals which were earned fighting for Britain. Sher Ali Hazara served in the Indian Army and...
November 12, 2010 The ruling directly affects 145 asylum seekers. (AAP: Mick Tsikas)Federal Immigration Minister Chris Bowen says the Government could respond to the High Court ruling on asylum seekers by streamlining the current review...
Afghanistan’s Hazara people, targeted by the Taliban, still have a strong reason to seek protection from countries like Australia, writes Michelle Dimasi in Kabul By: Michelle Dimasi EARLIER on the day I started writing this...