Afghanistan MPs says that right now Afghanistan authority needs help both from Australian and in European countries to not deport any Afghanistani refugees. they says Afghan goverment can not guarantee the life of any single...
Hazara People note: We do respect all ethnic groups, but Hazara People are not Afghan. Afghan or Pashtun is another ethnic group in Afghanistan. By Afghanistan correspondent Sally SaraAustralia should think twice about deporting unsuccessful...
“Freedom or Death” is a documentary about the refugees who were detained in Australia’s most remote offshore detention center on the impoverished Pacific Island of Nauru. This strong human story is captured through personal interviews...
Xinhua | China Daily | February 02, 2011 CANBERRA, February 2 (Xinhua) — The governments of Australia and Afghanistan were in disagreement over their recently signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to return failed asylum seekers...
This comes from an Afghan asylum seeker who was taking part in the mass hunger strikes that broke out on January 18: There are 1,100 people in Curtin detention prison. More than 300 are on...
By Afghanistan correspondent Sally Sara | February 01, 2011 There are more than 2,500 Afghan asylum seekers in detention in Australia. (ABc: Brooke Bannister)The Afghan government has denied an agreement signed with Australia will allow...
on 05th. of february 2011 the second Anniversary of Martyrdom of Shaheed Hussain Ali Yousefi(r.a) in Oslo, Norway All Qawmas are invited! Date: Saturday, 5th of February 2011 from 16:00 pm to 19:00 pm Place...
Yolike | January 26, 2011 A Hellenic Action for Human Rights – “Pleiades” (NGO) activist project which is on since November 2010. Afghan asylum seeker families with minors, most of which are ethnic Hazaras, living...
TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2011 APA hunger strike by 300 migrants across Greece begins today. It is the latest in a long line of hunger strikes by refugees denied asylum by a regime that currently only...
Monday Jan 24, 2011 UK, Sweden, Norway Germany, Finland and Denmark react to court decision A number of Afghan and Iranian refugees have already gone on hunger strike in central Athens to demand their asylum...