The people of Ururzgan were justly and bravely defending themselves against the violent attacks by 120 thousand government troops with 40 thousand tribal troops recruited from the southern regions of the country. They were all...
The Iranian police officers wants Afghans refugee to beat their head and face and others. At the end of this film, the Iranian officer asking them to say loud that “We are not coming to...
AAP, June 17, 2010 8:44AM RIZ Wakil will use a surfing lesson from Tony Abbott to tell the federal opposition leader about the plight of refugees and his own success story. The Afghan refugee, who...
Ms. Zareen Taj Womens & Human Rights Activist Zareen is from the Hazara ethnic group, the most persecuted ethnic minority in Afghanistan. As a child, she witnessed the Soviet invasion and occupation of her country...
Human Rights Watch I. SUMMARY This report documents two massacres committed by Taliban forces in the central highlands of Afghanistan, in January 2001 and May 2000. In both cases the victims were primarily Hazaras, a...
Sun, 27 Jun 2010 12:00:16 GMT After decades of war, the Afghan police have become somewhat immune to sights of carnage. However, a recent patrol in the Khas Uruzgan district of Uruzgan province, just north...
By Lindsey Hilsum, Updated on 19 July 2010 As Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai moves to negotiate with the Taliban, International Editor Lindsey Hilsum travels to Bamiyan, to meet the female governor who fears that her...
By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. and ABDUL WAHEED WAFA Published: January 3, 2010 KABUL, Afghanistan — For much of this country’s history, the Hazara were typically servants, cleaners, porters and little else, a largely Shiite...
Colorful lights were lit tonight by the youth of Bamiyan province. These lights were hanging on the body of the giant Buddha to reveal their message to the world that the youth of Bamiyan are...
Wednesday 29 April 2009, by Kamran Mir Hazar People in Daikondi have been demonstrating for several days, asking the government and international community to discharge the corrupt governor Orazgoni and a judge accused of...