by Ali Karimi Being a Hazara in Kandahar, Afghanistan An Indonesian Buddhist named Agustinus Wibowo who worked in Afghanistan for more than two years had a great deal of troubles for being mistaken for a...
Police say armed men have shot and killed three-time Hazra Olympic boxer Abrar Hussain. Police officer Hamid Shakil says Hussain died after assailants shot him in the head while he was driving from his office...
The banned Pakistani terror outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has reportedly published an open letter addressed to the Hazara community in Quetta, Pakistan. The letter, reproduced and translated from Urdu below, is an example of the hate literature...
Quetta: Another bloody attack on Hazaras / Copyright: GETTY IMAGES Terrorists kill seven Hazaras in Quetta QUETTA, May 18: Terrorists of a banned outfit attacked a pick-up bringing members of the Hazara community to Quetta...
Hazara People: Commentators for HazaraPeople have recently reported from Behsood that the Kochi tribal nomadic Pashtuns are armed and equipped with heavy weapons and have arrived in Behsood and Daimirdad pastural lands and hillsides. This...
Hazara People: Extremist terrorists Friday opened fire on Hazara ethnic civilians in a Park near a cemetery in Quetta, killing 10 people and injuring 15 others, police said. Among the dead, there are women and...
By M. Amin Wahidi Less than a week after Osama Bin Laden’s death, the Hazaras are being brutally attacked by the extremists in Quetta Pakistan. As revenge to Hazara’s celebration and happiness for Bin Laden’s...
Hazara People: Extremist terrorists Friday opened fire on Hazara ethnic civilians in a Park near a cemetery in Quetta, killing 10 people and injuring 15 others, police said. Among the dead, there are women and...
Sectarian killings have been mostly targeted against Hazara Shias, who came to Balochistan decades ago from Afghanistan and Iran. Police and counter-terrorism officials say that anti-Shia militant groups such as Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi...
Hazara people: Same as Afghanistan, dozens of Hazara people were targeted and killed by Pashtun Taliban in Pakistan. A new report released by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan says dozens of Hazara people were killed...