A documentary film titled “Dusty Night” made by Ali Hazara won the short documentary film prize at the 34th international film festival Cinema du Reel, and received a special mention for a second award. Mr....
By Ishaq Mohammadi Toppling of Taliban Government has now reached to more one decade, but it needs decades to recover ethnic and sectarian wounds inflicted by Taliban towards innocent people of Afghanistan in general and...
By Salman Heydari The Hazara of Afghanistan: Cultural Exhibit & Lecture was developed to increase awareness of the rich history and cultural heritage of the Hazara people from Afghanistan, who now live throughout the world....
Almost forty photographs of the Hazara are now on display at the library. By Kevin Madigan Almost forty images of the Hazara people, taken by their own photographers, are on show at Tucker-Reid H. Cofer-Reid...
TRANSLATION OF THE PASHTO TEXT : ISHAQ MOHAMMADI/ ART PHOTO BY NAJIBULLAH MUSAFER Mullah Omar’s Farman to Taliban – A copy of this document (written in Pushto) was secured from Taliban’s Dept of Interior Ministry...
by Mohammad Amin Wahidi Two months after her first movie’s premiere and worldwide success, as a new director, Angelina Jolie has announced to the media that she has an idea and is writing a script...
Londoner of the Day goes to student photographer Asef Ali Mohammad, who is in line for a prestigious international prize for his snap of a “fleeting moment in time.” Middlesex University undergraduate Asef is one...
Two films made by Hazara director Abdullah Ferjad, cinema graduate of Kabul fine arts academy, Afghanistan. 21-25 February 2012 Screening introduces by Vikki Riley, art curator and English editor of Kabul Press.
by lemonjelly Hussain Sadiqi grew up in Afghanistan, he was part of the Hazara people, the most persecuted of ethnic minorities in the country. In 1999, when the Taliban increased their violence against the Hazara,...