Official Statement from Hazara International on Genocide, Cultural Destruction, and Our Unyielding Stance Against Proxy Warfare

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Hazara International hereby articulates a resolute position regarding the ongoing plight of the Hazara people, a stateless nation and native people of Hazaristan: we categorically refuse to be ensnared in any regional conflicts, proxy wars, or political maneuvers—regardless of the entity attempting to engage us. Our community shall not be used as instruments for agendas that do not align with our commitment to human rights principles and the peaceful harmony that the world needs now more than ever.

Historically, the Hazara have been subjected to relentless persecution, enduring systematic massacres, forced displacements, and targeted violence. For over a century, our stateless nation has faced profound atrocities in so-called Afghanistan, where terrorist groups, including the Taliban, Daesh, and Kochi-Taliban, have perpetrated egregious acts of genocide against us. This ongoing violence, including genocide, is not merely physical; it encompasses efforts to obliterate our cultural identity and heritage.

We are fully aware of the propaganda machine orchestrated by the ethnic hegemony in so-called Afghanistan, which seeks to mislead the international public and the global community about the Hazara people. While they propagate lies and false narratives to divert attention, they simultaneously and systematically violate the fundamental rights of the Hazara, attempting to further entrench our marginalization and suffering. These actions only reinforce our determination to stand firm against these abuses.

The destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas in 2001 stands as a poignant testament to the cultural genocide inflicted upon the Hazara people. These statues, which had existed for over 1,500 years, were not only monumental artifacts but also symbols of our rich historical legacy. Their obliteration was an affront to our existence, an attempt to erase our identity from the annals of history. Nevertheless, we affirm that the Hazara people are resilient, and we will not be extinguished.

Furthermore, it is imperative to recognize that the Hazara experience discrimination not only within so-called Afghanistan but also in Iran, where many of our community members reside as natives, refugees, or asylum seekers. The Iranian regime’s attempts to exploit our shared Shia faith for its geopolitical objectives are deeply troubling. We assert that the Hazara community is diverse, comprising Shia, Sunni, Ismaili, Christian, and non-believing individuals. We value this diversity and reject any efforts to manipulate it for conflict. Our commitment to unity transcends our differences.

We have coexisted peacefully for centuries, and we firmly oppose any efforts to incite discord among us. Our focus remains steadfast on safeguarding our community and preserving our cultural heritage. We will not engage in conflicts that serve the interests of external powers.

To those who seek to utilize our community for their own ambitions, we emphasize that the Hazara will not be compelled into conflicts that do not pertain to our struggle. Our fight is solely for the survival, safety, and rights of the Hazara people. No regime, including Iran, will dictate our course or exploit our community for its objectives.

We call upon the international community to recognize the ongoing genocide against the Hazara, both within so-called Afghanistan and in the diaspora. It is imperative to acknowledge the cultural destruction we have endured and to advocate for justice for our people. The Hazara will remain steadfast in our pursuit of the right to exist in peace, free from manipulation and oppression.

Hazara International


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