Launch of the Official Website of Digital Hazaristan

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Digital Hazaristan: We are happy to announce the launch of the official website of Digital Hazaristan, also known as e-Hazaristan. People now have access to information regarding the strategic and long-term Hazara project toward engineering and forming a Digital Nation and Digital Hazara Society.

As stated on the official website of Digital Hazaristan, our vision is a Human-Centered Digital Society and Digital Sovereign Nation. The mission of Digital Hazaristan is also to construct a Self-Sovereign Identity and build the Ecosystem of Digital Hazaristan with meaningful and functional interactions based on fundamental Human Rights principles and values, including Dignity, Fairness, Equality, Respect, and Independence, and the goals of the Hazaristan Charter.
On, there is information about the Hazara Digital Identity, including the future Hazara National Identification Number, the Hazara country known as Hazaristan, and the Hazara people and nation.

The official website of Digital Hazaristan has pages for EcosystemGovernanceWhite PaperRoadmapPartnersSupport, and Code of Ethics. According to the Roadmap 2023, volunteer experts from different fields investigate and research the various aspects and requirements of Digital Hazaristan and its ecosystem. The outcome of those investigations would be the blueprint, necessary frameworks, and documents of Digital Hazaristan, including technical white papers.

The primary concentration in this stage would be the building blocks of Digital Hazaristan and solving complexities related to theories, scopes, regulations, standards, technologies, and verifiable credentials as part of a trust framework where the Identity Holder, Issuer, and Verifier interact.

As stated, volunteer experts from different fields are welcome to join us and contribute to building Digital Hazaristan. We also need support from pro bono providers, tech organizations and local and international humanitarian organizations, and those working for the public good to accelerate the building process.

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