Urgent Call to Stop Taliban Atrocities Against Hazaras in Afghanistan

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Each person one letter

We exist not to let the history repeat itself. As we fight in the trenches against the armies of terror and horror, as we cry out loud in the streets against apparatus of discrimination and prejudice, we will raise our voice for justice by any means we can in order to deliver our message to the world. We are everywhere. In the trenches, on the street, at the university, in the media, on the Internet and in the post offices.

We, the Hazaras, who have been targeted by the ISIS and Taliban terrorists these days, along with our fellow countrymen and all those who for the sake of humanity, believe in justice and equality, will send a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, which has been written for explaining the invasion of Hazara areas by terrorists and to protest the discriminatory and fanatical attitudes of the Afghan government circles towards to the Hazara people.


  1. Each sender will sign the letter and send it to the Secretariat of the United Nations at the following address by entering his/her own address:

Office of the Secretary-General

United Nations Headquarters

405 East 42nd Street,

New York, NY, 10017



  1. In addition to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, we can send this letter to other authorities via email or post by changing the name and title of the addressee. Political and social activists can send this letter to parliamentarians and the effective government officials in their respective countries as well as to the international organizations involved in Afghanistan.


  1. The letter can be downloaded as a PDF file from the here

With respect

A group of cultural activists from Afghanistan and other countries

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