Copenhagen: Diaspora Meeting December 2016

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Didaar – Diaspora Annual Meeting

Katib Cultural Association Denmark is committed to facilitate a Cultural Event in the name of DIDAAR and to be organised around a specific date and time annually. Duration of the programme will be two days and is planned to be held at the end of each December. The specific date and time of the programme will be specified in the invitation letters sent out to the participants and the guests.

Diaspora Meeting (Didaar) 2016

Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th of December

Each day from 08:00 – 22:00

Schedule of the Event

Programme will begin at 08:00 and end at 18:00 each day. Be aware that a team workshop on day one and a seminar and ending with a musical night on day two. Details are given below.

DAY ONE – Workshop

The participants will be divided in small teams which will have 3 to 10 members each.

Each team will be assigned with a specific topic to work on. Workshop will begin at 09:00 and will end at 17:00.

DAY TWO – Seminar

All the teams will be placed in one common hall where the team members will come up with a conclusion of their work in the presence of general audience. After which there will be a session of Q&A where general public will have the chance to ask questions from the members of different panels. The session will last for one hour.

Katib Kultur Forening

Katib Kultur Forening er en kontingentpligt forening, grundlagt den 14. april 2007 i København.

Data og post adresse

Katib Kultur Forening
CVR nr.: 30 44 04 39
Bjerringbrovej 115
2610 Rødovre
Tlf.: + 45 31 42 77 87

Danske Bank
Reg: 4065
Konto: 10230209
Mobile Pay: 71 39 33 50

Forenings navn

school_girlsOrdet “Katib” er kaldenavnet af den afghanske største historie forfatter, Faiz Mohammad Katib Hazara, (1881 – 1931). 

Katib Author of Monumental History books


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  1. Copenhagen: Diaspora Meeting December 2016 | Hazara-Azeri

    […] Copenhagen: Diaspora Meeting December 2016 […]