Hazara People International Network’s Resolution Statement and Call for Protest in London

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We will trial the corrupt and inefficient government of Afghanistan in London! 13198451Brothers, sisters and justice seeker compatriots living in the European countries,
As you know, Ashraf Ghani will come to the UK to participate in “Anti-Corruption Summit” in London, Great Britain on Thursday, May 12th 2016.

Ashraf Ghani is the person who has released hundreds of terrorists from prisons and turned the country to a bloodbath. He illegally came to power by fraud and support of western countries. Now he has taken millions of citizens as hostages with his discriminatory policies against them and increases his enmity against citizens every day.

You know since Ashraf Ghani has come to power, hundreds of thousands of our compatriots have left the country due to lack of good living conditions. His enmity with the citizens continues even outside of the country; several times he declared on media that he doesn’t have any sympathy with the asylum seekers. He asked the western countries to repatriate the refugees back to Afghanistan.

In the most recent event, he and his corrupt government have changed the direction of imported electricity power line from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan known as TUTAP, which is originally planned to pass from Bamyan. He wants to throw dust into people’s eyes with his lies and deceit and deprive them of their most basic rights.

Now it’s the time to come together, men and women, old and young from across the UK and possibly from other European countries to decry and interpellate this anti-national and treacherous figure in the presence of the international community.

We are waiting for vibrant presence of all justice seekers!
We will act united and integrated; and will turn the “Anti-Corruption Summit” into global impeachment of the corrupt government of Afghanistan.

Date: Thursday, May 12, 2016
Location: in front of the Lancaster House, London- UK
Time: 11:00 am

Tuesday May 10, 2016
Editorial Board of Hazara People International Network

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