Hazara Film Maker Wins Cinema du Reel Best Short Documentary

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A documentary film titled “Dusty Night” made by Ali Hazara won the short documentary film prize at the 34th international film festival Cinema du Reel, and received a special mention for a second award.
Mr. Hazara received the award for the best short documentary film out of 11 other nominees. It was also awarded runner up, or “special mention” for the Louis Marcorelles Award. The winner of the Louis Marcorelles award was a joint film of Palestine, Israel and France called “Five Broken Cameras”.

A total of eight awards were granted over the course of the festival for an average of 200 films.
The 34th Cinema du Reel festival was held in the Grand Hall of the George Pompidou Art Center from March 22nd to April 1st.
Cinema du Reel has grown into a major international documentary film festival that is held each year in Paris, France. It was established in 1978 by the Bibliothèque publique d’information.

Source Kabul Press/ Tolo TV

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  1. Rosemary Stanfield

    I would love to see and show this film.

  2. Hazara

    Good Work Bro
    Keep it Up
    Long Live great Hazara People.