Please sign the petition to Save asylum seeker, Ismail Mirza Jan

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We, the undersigned, call on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship of Australia not to send asylum seeker & Hazara ethnic Ismail Mirza Jan back to Afghanistan. Save Mr Jan from persecution!

to sign the petition Click here

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  1. mohammad ilyas

    the only way to to have the response form the whole world and take the world’s attention towards the safety of the Hazara nation, they are compel take these all steps

  2. Abid Hazara

    i think we have to save Hazara nation through this migration

  3. T.B

    I beg of you please do not to send Hazaras back to Afghanistan!! Pleease put yourself even for a minute in their shoes. We’re dealing with the life of the innocent. Please I beg u dont do it

  4. hamid hussain tury

    plz hilp this people in australia

  5. Nematullah Bakhshi

    It’s very obvious to the whole world that Hazaras are not safe in Afghanistan or Pakistan, so I ask from the Australian gov. that not to put his life in danger by deporting him back to Afghanistan.

  6. Farid Noori

    Hazaras terribly suffer because of the oppression and discrimination they face in their home country while they try to possess a normal life; one with music, arts, modern culture and a thirst for education – totally distinctive from other ethnicities! They also carry on their peaceful and hard-working behavior in any country they seek asylum at. Nor they do anything bad except helping out with the economy of the host Gov. and building up strong bonds with their citizens.

  7. Zulaikha Rezaie

    We beg you Australian authorizes please do not put him in danger by deporting him to Afghanistan. It is as clear as crystal for everyone that Afghanistan is not safe homeland for Hazaras.

  8. Alexander McRae, Sydney

    We are in an email circle of about 20 activists, mostly Christian, in southern Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Many of us are visiting Ismail at Villawood and know him personally, and love him dearly. We are working day and night on this, absolutely determined to stop the Federal Government from deporting him to extreme likelhood of execution – just because he is Hazara! After signing this petition you may also want to sign the gopetition, and share this link around!

  9. mohammad musa

    na bayad da afghanistan deport shuna… !!!!

  10. mohammad musa

    na bayad da afghanistan deport shuna…

  11. Bj


    Please review his Case. He is a Hazara with alot of enemies after all.

  12. Nasib Ali

    the entire world knows that Hazaras life is totally in danger and not safe in Afghanistana and Pakistan these days. it would be so inhuman of Australia to ignore the reality and deport an innocent Asylum seeker like Ismail Mirza jan.

  13. C Robertson

    I started this petition knowing that I couldn’t do anything but it’s something. Thank you all for signing to save Ismail. I will send off the petition this afternoon, and with this hoping to gather more signatures in the meanwhile.

    I am only one,
    But still I am one.
    I cannot do everything,
    But still I can do something;
    And because I cannot do everything
    I will not refuse to do the something that I can do

    Hope is power.

    Peace to all.

  14. hamed mohamad karim

    We, the undersigned, call on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship of Australia not to send asylum seeker & Hazara ethnic Ismail Mirza Jan back to Afghanistan. Save Mr Jan from persecution!

  15. Frederika Steen

    Australia must honour the spirit and the letter of the UN Refdugees Convention – and not return people to a place of persecution and danger

  16. David Boston

    Please do not send this person back to certain death or torture in Afghanistan.

  17. David Boston

    Dear DIAC, Please do not send this person back to Afghanistan. It is not necessary and it is very likely that he is going to be persecuted if he goes back. Australia has the capacity to have him here, I’m happy to house him in my house if necessary!! Just send me an emai!!

  18. Asma Batul

    Save the asylum seeker.

  19. Nadia Ahmed

    please don’t send him back he will be killed there , those Afghani people are so barbaric

  20. A Rimes

    Do Not send Ismail back to persecution please A Rimes

  21. A Rimes

    DO NOT sen Ismail back for persecution

  22. Tony Buhagiar

    Please allow Ismail to reside in Australia.

  23. mehdi rahmani

    please dont send him back pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  24. Zia Hassanzadeh

    I Plea from the department of immigraton and citizenship of Australia to reconsider humaniterian option to live him in Australia. Saving Mr jan means saving a human from destortion and persecution.

  25. Asad Qasimi

    Ma khastar barasi dobare parvande Ismail hastim !

  26. Sahema

    Please don’t play with another innocent life, you don’t know what he will go through when he goes back.

  27. Hakim Hakimullah

    I strongly confirm that his live in Afghanistan will be endanger due to unsecured and Taliban will Kill him specially if they fine that he newly deported from abroad,

  28. Ilyas Koshani

    Afghanistan and Pakistan are not save for Hazaras and Australian must not deport Hazaras back to thier homeland

  29. mohammad zameen afzali

    If he isn’t has problem he will not leave he homeland . I think this is not the to deport to afghanistan. They send him to another country those country need to refugee .