The Ameer of Afghanistan has sold ten thousand Hazara captives as slaves to pay the expenses of war!

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The Ameer of Afghanistan has sold ten thousand Hazara captives as slaves to pay the expenses of war.

Oct 1893/ The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860-1954)

Prisoners of War Sold as Slaves
CALCUTTA, Oct, 19- It is stated that the Ameer of Afghanistan, has sold as slaves 10.000 persons who were captured by his forces during the recent rebellion of Hazara tribes.

Oct 1893/Daily public ledger

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  1. Madeleine Kingston

    I have tweeted this shocking piece of news to spread the word. I am lost for the rights words. Something has to be done to intervene regarding the abuse #persecution and #genocide of the #Hazara people.

  2. Evidence

    The British government can not hide it.

  3. Mohammad Zia Hassanzadeh

    Perfect and Excellent Evidence