Well armed Pashtun Kuchis attack on Hazaras and burned 26 villages in Nahor district of Ghazni

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Hazara People: Last night Pashtun Kuchis attacked on Hazaras and burned 25 villages in Nahor district of Ghazni, a local news agency reported Saturday. Kuchi Pashtun nomads are well armed and have full government support.

The Kochi attacks on Hazaras has a long history which repeats itself every year in the spring season. The clashes had stopped for a short period during the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul but then it began again thereafter during the rule of the Taliban and now the US backed Karzai regime.

Hazara home burned and looted by Kuchi /May  2010
Hazara home burned and looted by Kuchi /May 2010

The Karzai led government does not only have no intention on interfeving and putting an end to the dispute, but it uses the Kochis as leverage to silence the progressive Hazaras.

This year it is worse than the previous years; the Kochis are equipped and armed heavily by Al Qaeda forces and the Taliban to avenge Bin Laden’s death, as a result they target civilian Hazaras who are politically moderate and striving for democracy. Hazara ethnic group are the main target victims of Al Qaeda as they are essentially civilians unable to defend themselves.

It is the responsibility of NATO to protect Hazara people from the Kochis’ bloody attacks.
To every single Hazara around the world, help the victims of Behsood and Daimirdad district by representing their voices and cries for help. Hazara International Network calls up all Hazara intellectuals and human rights activists for an international campaign against Kochi attacks to alert the international community about their interference in Hazara lands in Afghanistan.

Follow Hazara People for more updates on the issue.


Report on the Case of Conflict between Kochies and the Local People In Behsood (Hessa-e-Awal, Hessa-e-Dowm) and Diamirdad districts of Maidan Wardak province

By Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission

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  1. shukrullah


  2. shukrullah

    i want to go there for help