Second Anniversary of Martyrdom of Shaheed Hussain Ali Yousefi in Oslo, Norway

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on 05th. of february 2011 the second Anniversary of Martyrdom of Shaheed Hussain Ali Yousefi(r.a) in Oslo, Norway

All Qawmas are invited!

Date: Saturday, 5th of February 2011 from 16:00 pm to 19:00 pm

Place & adress: Hussainiya Saied Alshohada.
Ryensvingen 8.
0680 Oslo

Organized by: Hazara Unity Norway(HUN) with cooperation of Hussainiya Saied Alshohada, Oslo

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1 comment

  1. Milad Hussain Ferozi

    Dear every one;

    i do present my consolation over the second annuarsery of Mr. Yousofy. but meanwhile i have to declare that he was a through hero but i am afraid to reveal that people around him did missuse from him. HDP is a party which let Hazaras down as ever in Quetta. but at the end of the day i have to remind you all again thaty Yousofy was a good follower of Baba Mazari.