Six Afghanistani on hunger strike with sewed lips in central Athens

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Reportage of Maro Kouri (photo journalist)

For the last 40 days, 100 Afganian refugees live in a camp in Propylaea, in the center of Athens seeking political asylum.

Children and babies live also in the tents.

The Ministry of Security did not respond, so, the first six strikers decided to start a hunger strike and to sew their lips.

A Hazara young man, Joma Karimi with sewed lips is a hanger striker requesting asylum in camp of Propylea Athens University

Joma Karimi with sewed lips in hanger strike in camp of central Athens

18-years old Ahmedi Mojgan 3 years in Athens, mother of Unes 2 months and Sonita 2 years old in refugee camp of Propylaia seeks political asylum.

Six Afgan hanger strikers with sewed lips, together with other men, women and children, all camp at Propylea University of central Athens requesting for political asylum


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