Proud Birmingham son shows off late father’s war medals

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Nov 13 2010 by Jasbir Authi, Birmingham Mail

Fida Hussain Hazara
PROUD Khan Hussain shows off his late father’s gallantry medals which were earned fighting for Britain.

Sher Ali Hazara served in the Indian Army and fought for the British in their battles in Afghanistan and Iraq or Mesopotamia, as it was known back then, and India during World War One.

He was awarded medals for gallantry and even received a letter from King George V in 1918.

Mr Hussain, aged 73, brought back the haul when he went to visit his late father’s home in Pakistan and now displays them on the walls of his Small Heath home.

Sher Ali Hazara

The grandad-of-five said: “The letter said the mother country was grateful for his services and he wished him a safe return.

“It’s written in Hindi on one side and English on the other, with the Buckingham Palace stamp.

“This shows that people from all corners of the world took part in the first World War, not just Westerners.

“These medals make me very proud.”


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  1. mustafa

    salam bar hamagi bilkhosooos dastandar karan we r proud of u people realy

  2. Abbass Changezee

    My Grandfather was not only a great soldier but also a great man proud of him
    from Zameer Abbass Changezee.


    proud of my grand father and his achievments as a gallant soldier of British army

  4. Najeeba wazefadost

    Our history of success allways needs to be portrayed so us young people can follow the same pathway. im proud of belonging to hazara nation.

  5. Zaheer Abbas Changazi

    We should be very proud of this, great honor for hazara nation. Im very proud to be Sher Ali Hazara`s Grand son.

  6. Qadir

    Such a gallantry should be highlighted in a broader perspective………