Salam Alikom,
It is hard to put my sorrows in words because humiliation of my people is far beyond imagination. The only way to get out of these conditions is to be educated and united. I am sure with education and unity we can concur the heart and soul of those who sacrificed their life for our future.
Hazara boy.
by the way i love your weebsite. if gives me Strength and Hope for the future of My Nation. Thanks
Xavier Amiri
Salam Alikom,
It is hard to put my sorrows in words because humiliation of my people is far beyond imagination. The only way to get out of these conditions is to be educated and united. I am sure with education and unity we can concur the heart and soul of those who sacrificed their life for our future.
Hazara boy.
by the way i love your weebsite. if gives me Strength and Hope for the future of My Nation. Thanks
thanks alot akhond ha there is no more expectatoin from Iranian and Iran Government